What region, race and gender is effects? B. Body Paragraph #1 (15 points):  What are the causes of the disease?  How it is diagnosed by the doctor?

Infectious Disease Essay Rubric Procedures I. Pick an infectious disease and Research your disease. II. Write a 5-7 paragraph essay with the following information: A. Introduction (10 points):  Provide a definition of the disease.  Interesting facts.  What region, race and gender is effects? B. Body Paragraph #1 (15 points):  What are the causes of the disease?  How it is diagnosed by the doctor?  Who and where it was discovered? C. Body paragraph #2 (15 points):  What are the symptoms of the disease?  How it effects the body physically, mentally, and socially? D. Body Paragraph #3 (15 points):  How the disease is treated?  How to prevent the disease? E. Conclusion (10 pts):  Personal reflections.  Summary of the paper. III. Bibliography (10 pts):  Minimum of 3 credible sources! This could include books, magazines and library databases. IV. Grammar/Punctuation (20 points)  Must be cited correctly! APA or MLA format. Must be handed in on time! 12 pt. font, Double-spaced, Times New Roman or Calibri. NO CUTTING AND PASTING INFORMATION!!

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