What might you consider to be given beliefs? (Be careful when compiling your list. People do not always view the world in the same way-and some do not want to go near the edge.)

Depending on an audience’s beliefs, some statements or claims of belief may need support. If claiming that “the Earth is round “, You might feel fairly confident that an audience will not look for proof, and unless that statement is critical to your argument, you will not need to include a great deal of support and development. Statements such as this are considered given beliefs-that is, the majority of people in the audience hold the same perspective of either true or false

1. What might you consider to be given beliefs? (Be careful when compiling your list. People do not always view the world in the same way-and some do not want to go near the edge.)

2. Has anyone ever spoken to you using what he or she considered to be given belief but you not? If so, how did that impact his or her argument?

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