The Freedmen Sample Essay
George Fitzhugh was born in 1806 in the southern part of the United States of America. He was born during a period in which the southern states firmly practiced the slave trade. He pursued law at school and struggled as a planter but finally managed to write two books.
According to Fitzhugh, all labor whether black or white had to be enslaved and the world had to become either all free or all slave. According to Fitzhugh, bondage could only survive and succeed in the production of goods and services which was based on supply and demand in the economy market. He understood that biological social relationships and attendant values could not endure in a world that was conquered by capitalist competition and the wealthy distinctiveness (Schermerhorn 2016). He, therefore, advocated for socialism whereby means of production, distribution, and exchange would be owned and controlled by the community. The Freedmen Sample Essay.
Fitzhugh also believed that people of black origin were ignorant, weak and dependent on the superior class of white individuals who owned large tracts of land and controlled the economy of the southern states (Schermerhorn 2016). He also believed that poor white individuals should also enjoy the benefits that black slaves gained from slavery. For instance, he believed that the black people were spared from the care for looking for a home, looking for employment and attending all domestic wants and concerns.
According to Fitzhugh, both the wealthy landowners and the slaves were mutually dependent as the freedmen could not live without products from the lands while the landowners could not survive without labor from the freedmen. A realization of this fact would help both groups to appreciate each other’s importance and work towards healthy relationships. Fitzhugh emphasized that the white people by kind and humane treatment coupled with exact and rigid discipline were supposed to do all they could to keep the black people among them. As a result, the morals and intelligence of the black people would increase and equality enhanced making it possible for the black populations to own property. The laws that were put into place to regulate the conduct of the black people would also apply to the white people thus deterring both the whites and the blacks from engaging in criminal activities (George 1854). Besides, those who were found guilty of misconduct would face the full force of the law while those who obeyed would be encouraged through a kind, humane and liberal treatment. The Freedmen Sample Essay
The article by Fitzhugh George is important as it enables individuals to realize the hardships that people of African American origin underwent in the southern states. Although the northern states had abolished the slave trade by the 18th century, many of the southern states remained adamant on the issue of slavery (George 1854). They strongly relied on slave labor for the production of agricultural products such as cotton. The southern state denied African Americans the right to vote and have political representation. According to Fitzhugh, it was important to treat the black people right to keep them from migrating to the north where they would be granted the right to vote. This would leave the white people without laborers in their plantations leading to economic strain as they depended largely on agriculture.
Fitzhugh George’s insight also plays a significant role in making people of black origin appreciate the role that black leaders played in advocating for equal rights for African Americans. Through their efforts, black people are able to take part in democratic processes such as voting and running for political offices. For instance, President Obama became the first African American president in the United States of America. This was a clear indication that if given a fair playing ground, African Americans can make equally good leaders like white individuals.
I found fault in Fitzhugh’s assertion that African Americans were ignorant and relied on white supremacy to acquire knowledge. People of African American origin were intelligent which made the white individuals suppress them in an attempt to prevent them from presenting their grievances. Although they were subjected to poor living and working conditions, the black people managed to live happy lives with their families (Genovese and Fox-Genovese 1984). They avoided stupid mistakes that would cost them peace of mind. Besides, they recognized the enemies to their success and happiness and clearly articulated their values and core beliefs by fighting for voting rights and political representation. The Freedmen Sample Essay
However, what I found attractive from Fitzhugh’s article was his belief in socialism. Through socialism, the community would have the total control of means of production hence eradicating social classes in the community (Genovese and Fox-Genovese 1984). Avoidance of social classes would bring a state of order in society as the gap between the rich and the poor would be bridged. Also, all individuals despite their racial affiliations would have access to national resources as the government would take charge of distributing national profits.
Fitzhugh’s assertion that both freedmen and landowners were mutually important was also attractive. Both parties relied on each other’s help which necessitated the need for collaboration between them. Through collaboration, each party would be able to achieve their interests. Their collaboration would also play a significant role in fighting a common enemy for the greater good of the southern states.
In conclusion, According to Fitzhugh, all labor whether black or white had to be enslaved and the world had to become either all free or all slave. Besides, Fitzhugh also believed that people of black origin were ignorant, weak and dependent on the superior class of white individuals who owned large tracts of land and controlled the economy of the southern states. I found fault in Fitzhugh’s assertion that African Americans were ignorant and relied on white supremacy to acquire knowledge. However, Fitzhugh’s belief in socialism was attractive. Through socialism, the community would have the total control of means of production hence eradicating social classes in the community.
Genovese, Eugene D, and Elizabeth Fox-Genovese. “Slavery, Economic Development and the Law: The Dilemma of the Southern Political Economists,1800-1860 .” Washington and Lee Law Review, 1984: 1-31.
George, Fitzhugh. “Faulure of Free Society.” Richmond VA. A Morris Publisher, 1854: 1-293.
Schermerhorn, Calvin. “George Fitzhugh (1806–1881).” Encyclopedia Virginia, 2016: 1-3.
The Freedmen Sample Essay