review of the uses, benefits, and limitations of social media for health communication



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Hello, Jorge! My name is Jessica and I look forward to working with you on this Nursing Allied Health Essay Review to improve your writing today. Let’s get started!

Writer’s Name/Number: 11032814

Writing Title: Limited access to health care

Description of the assignment: This file will be my 3rd attempt for this assessment

Essay Strengths:

· Provides an overview of the challenge of healthcare access

· Provides a summary of articles researched for assignment


· Introduction: effective provision of goals in the introduction. Consider expanding the introduction to provide a complete overview of each of the topics that will be discussed in the paper. Referring to the assignment’s criteria will help to ensure that you have included an overview of all of the required elements of the paper

· Conclusion: consider expanding the conclusion to provide a summary of all of the main points discussed throughout the paper. Referring to the comprehensive overview in the introduction or the assignment’s criteria helps to ensure that each of the required elements has been appropriately summarized

Content Development:

· Content developed appropriately

· Consider elaborating the introduction and conclusion to support content development


· Organized appropriately

· Consider expanding the introduction and conclusion


Nursing/Allied Health tutors are Content Specialists and are not authorized as Writing Specialists. When you have made your choices about content and edited your essay, submit a clean draft to the Essay Center (not nursing or allied health) and request assistance with grammar, mechanics, and APA format.

Use of Resources:

· Consider citing sources to support work on pg. 2, 3

· Consider editing to ensure that you have appropriately cited publications

Summary of Next Steps:

· Consider expanding the introduction to provide a complete overview of each of the topics that will be discussed in the paper. Referring to the assignment’s criteria will help to ensure that you have included an overview of all of the required elements of the paper

· Consider defining “areas” in the introduction for clarity

· Consider explaining who Heather is to the reader, pg. 2

· Consider citing sources to support work on pg. 2, 3

· Pg. 3: consider explaining location of the healthcare centers to which you refer and specifying the government to which you refer

· Refer to instructor guidance regarding use of first person in an academic paper

· consider expanding the conclusion to provide a summary of all of the main points discussed throughout the paper. Referring to the comprehensive overview in the introduction or the assignment’s criteria helps to ensure that each of the required elements has been appropriately summarized

· Jorge, thank you for sharing your work. I enjoyed reading your essay. I hope that you have found this review to be helpful. I wish you the best in your studies!

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Access to Healthcare

Capella University

November, 2018


As the world keeps on developing, some areas[consider clarifying “areas.” Are you speaking of places in the world, a specific country, or other?] have the challenge to access healthcare services. Many factors limit these areas access to healthcare. In other places, there are no barriers to access the healthcare facilities however there is no access to appropriate quality of care. The paper shall seek to analyze some of the obstacles that limit health care and discuss the potential intervention and approaches that can be implemented to solve this problem. [effective provision of goals in the introduction. Consider expanding the introduction to provide a complete overview of each of the topics that will be discussed in the paper. Referring to the assignment’s criteria will help to ensure that you have included an overview of all of the required elements of the paper]

Healthcare Access Limitation

Limited access to healthcare is significantly contributing to the spread of certain diseases. According to Heather[consider introducing who Heather is to the reader] in his book from a rural village to a global community[is this the title of the book? If so, consider editing for correct format] he explains that the rural areas are the most affected by limited access to healthcare. According to the research some of the healthcare services to treat and prevent chronic diseases are missing in rural areas. Some of these services are mental health, substance use, and abuse, preventive care, pediatric and many more. Several factors cause the limitation of healthcare services; these factors include health illiteracy, geographical barriers, transportation, and mobility.[consider citing a source using APA format to support these statements]

There are multiple geographical location barriers in these rural areas where they have no access to healthcare facilities around them. They are scarcely populated and located in remote areas. This puts them at risk of limited access to healthcare. Lack of means of transportation is also another factor limiting the access to health services, and healthcare facilities are located far from some rural regions hence they need to travel to receive medical assistance. Lack of mobility means is a crucial factor to access healthcare, affecting patients who cannot afford these means. [consider citing a source/sources to support these assertions]

In many healthcare centers [where are such healthcare centers located? Is this in rural areas?] the availability of medical providers is of one or two professional doctors, and sometimes they are shared by other healthcare facilities. This leads to limited access to quality health care, and sometimes the consumers or the patients might have to wait for long hours for their specialists to arrive. Lack of healthcare practitioners is one of the main challenges the rural areas are experiencing in many parts of the world. The government [to which government do you refer here? Consider specifying] is initiating projects to curb these problems. Although I am not holding a position that can help me capitalize on these approaches which are beneficial to the community, I will explain these potential approaches that I researched. [refer to instructor guidance regarding use of first person in an academic paper]

Healthcare Information Access

To access the information sources in the university library, I used the PubMed database that helped me obtain documents that relate to limited access to health care. I used keywords such as health information search, chronic disease, health care access and health seeking behavior. I also filtered the number of years for the articles published to a limited gap of 5 years that gave me the most current updated materials regarding restricted access to healthcare. From the sources I used, I went through [reviewed] them to see if they have the content that I needed on limited access to health care and if the information was reliable.

In the journal of community health [edit for proper citation of a publication] published in October 2013, there is information on how the transportation barrier affects the community (Liu, H. et, al. 2013). This article elaborates the challenges that are faced by patients in seeking healthcare services. The author emphasizes the disadvantages brought by this barrier and the adverse outcomes that come in hand with the transportation barrier. In general, the article briefs on the negativity that is common by patients who have limited access to health care and medical access.

According to an article published on the American Journal of medicine by Ronald and his counterparts they explained the use of telemedicine as merely the use of technology where a patient receives healthcare services without physically reaching the health care center. From the author, they [consider stating that “the authors concluded..”] concluded that telemedicine has a lot of benefits and it can curb the problem of limited access to healthcare (Hudson, H. E. 2013). The author list some of the benefits gained from telemedicine as follows: [telemedicine] is an affordable service to patients who would have spent much to reach the healthcare, uses on the prison where inmates are not allowed to leave the premises of the prison and in turn they have limited access to health care. This is potentially beneficial for patients with special needs who have difficulties moving around, among others. This article is helpful because it enlightens how people who have limited access to health care can utilize and acknowledge technology to receive health care in the comfort of their homes.

In an article published in 2013 in the journal of medical research[edit for appropriate citation of a publication] (Hoving, C. et al. 2013), it covered the use of health information online. The author of this article summarized that information is being shared online on social media from patients, health professionals, and the public to curb the limited access to healthcare. The Article discusses the benefits of health information online that remark the health issues and improve health outcomes. Even though many benefits come with health information online, the data needs to be monitored not to violate the privacy and confidentiality of patients and also to improve its reliability and quality. Consumer health information has raised concern as many patients are going online to seek remedies.

The use of electronic devices and communication gadgets has gone up in engaging in health information sharing (Liu, H. et, al. 2013). According to the article titled “The home health care routing and scheduling problem with interdependent services” published in the healthcare management science [edit for appropriate in-text citation of a publication], it addresses the in-home health care services that are conducted in private homes by either home care attendants or medical practitioners (Bierwirth, C. et al. 2014). In this article, they were successful in explaining the advantages of the in-home health care to curb the problem of limited access to health care for the aged or patients who couldn’t make to the centers. The author dictates the application of this approach and the successful outcomes based on its principles.

Study Conclusions

From the scholarly opinions that I learned on limited access to healthcare, I gathered vital facts on this problem. These articles had knowledge that enlightened me further on the challenges and threats that are posed by limited access to healthcare. For example, I learned that missed appointments with a healthcare practitioner might lead to a chronic disease worsening due to a missed follow up to assess the progression of the disease and recovery. The peer-reviewed journals gave me an opportunity to gain knowledge about the potential intervention approaches that can be used to solve the problem of limited access to healthcare. For example, when I read the journals on online healthcare information seeking I learned of the advantages that it brings when patients seek health care on the internet, which is helpful but also the article highlighted on the disadvantages that can be brought by the online health seeking information (Emmerton, L. et al. 2014).[consider expanding the conclusion to provide a summary of all of the main points discussed throughout the paper. Referring to the comprehensive overview in the introduction or the assignment’s criteria helps to ensure that each of the required elements has been appropriately summarized]


Dwyer, D. S., & Liu, H. (2013). The impact of consumer health information on the demand for health services. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance53(1), 1-11.

Hudson, H. E. (2013). From rural village to global village: Telecommunications for development in the information age. Routledge.

Lee, K., Hoti, K., Hughes, J. D., & Emmerton, L. (2014). Dr Google and the consumer: a qualitative study exploring the navigational needs and online health information-seeking behaviors of consumers with chronic health conditions. Journal of medical Internet research16(12).

Mankowska, D. S., Meisel, F., & Bierwirth, C. (2014). The home health care routing and scheduling problem with interdependent services. Health care management science17(1), 15-30.

Moorhead, S. A., Hazlett, D. E., Harrison, L., Carroll, J. K., Irwin, A., & Hoving, C. (2013). A new dimension of health care: systematic review of the uses, benefits, and limitations of social media for health communication. Journal of medical Internet research15(4).

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