Operations Management homework help

Unit VI Scholarly Activity Production

Junctionville was struggling; small factories in this community in the southeast United States were closing as their jobs moved to low-wage Asian countries. Some residents moved away to seek work, which resulted in a 10% population decline and the closing of some local retailers.
Then, several years later, Junctionville was selected as the location of a major automotive assembly plant that was being moved from the high-cost, industrial Midwest to the lower cost, nonunion Southeast. The plant is up and operating, and Junctionville is growing again. New subdivisions and businesses are springing up to support the increasing population.
Recently, Junctionville and two other nearby communities were contacted by representatives for MeggaMart, who want to open a new supercenter store. MeggaMart is a large, global chain that sells groceries and every household, yard, and garage item imaginable at low prices. You are a member of the MeggaMart public relations (PR) staff. You just got off the phone with the director of PR for MeggaMart who told you that Junctionville would hold a public hearing in a month on the request to build the new store, and she would like you to speak for the company at the hearing. Operations Management homework help


She also told you that while MeggaMart had approached three communities, their preference was Junctionville because of its proximity to the assembly plant and a particularly favorable available site for the store. She also told you there was some opposition because of potential traffic and noise since the proposed site was near a new residential area. Some residents were concerned about who would be attracted to the area late at night since the store would be open 24 hours a day due to shift work at the assembly plant.
Prepare a business memo to the director of PR for approval, and outline the important points you think you should bring up at the hearing. Your memo should be able to answer the questions below.
What are the benefits to the community of the store?
What is MeggaMart’s response to the concerns of some residents?
Should MeggaMart offer any concessions to address residents’ concerns, and, if so, what are they?
Memo template attached this assignment. Your business memo should be at least one page in length and follow APA guidelines. Use at least one outside source. Operations Management homework help
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