Nursing Policy and Politics

Nursing Policy and Politics

Topic 1: Policy and Politics
Read the case studies in Chapter 3 of Policy and Politics for Nurses and Other Health Professionals. Examine what Margaret Sanger, The Arkansas State Legislature, and others have done to make changes to health care policy. Outline the process that these pioneers took to effect change. Describe how policy change moves from internal adoption to legislation. Discuss expertise and internal and external advocacy. Give an example of a policy change you would advocate for.
Discussion Board:  Minimum 200 words, APA Style, Time New Roman, Font 12,   (3 references- in text citations) not older than (2012-2017).   No Plagiarism please.
Topic 2: Nursing Strong Throughout Time 
Compare and contrast three nursing advocates that have brought about change to public policy. What changes need to be made in the future to be successful as a profession of nursing advocates for healthcare policy reform?
Discussion Board:  Minimum 200 words, APA Style, Time New Roman, Font 12,   (3 references- in text citations) not older than (2012-2017).   No Plagiarism please.

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