Nursing homework help

Chamydia, PDSA

Conduct a collaboration interview with two or three key leaders in your practice setting to determine the measures for your practice problem (increasing chlamydia screening in patients under 25) and associated challenges to obtaining data impacting measurement for your practice problem (include confidentiality, anonymity, access issues, etc.).  Write a summary of how this quality indicator is measured in existing literature and search for evidence that demonstrates how your practice problem is measured across the country. Discuss any gaps in the data that were identified and additional sources that might be needed to obtain this data. Be sure to support your practice problem with the literature that indicates the relevance of this problem for nursing practice. Provide evidence from practice and data that is available


Choose a Quality Improvement Model PDSA (Plan Do Study Act) and apply this model to your practice problem. Describe the model that you selected and how each step of the model will be used to develop the plan. (2pages) Nursing homework help

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