Measuring Clinical Anxiety Essay
Over recent years, the connections among depression and anxiety have been continuously linked. Along with name of a prescription states the dosage. When receiving new medications, I generally google exactly what it is I am taking before ingesting it. While googling my anxiety medication when they were first prescribed it came up as anxiety medication and depression medication. Anxiety and depression medications compose extra serotonin in the brain, as well as allowing less absorption to take place. This results in the individual’s mood to change positively, they will generally seem more relaxed or at ease.Measuring Clinical Anxiety Essay
The Hamilton Rating Scale that was composed in 1959 by Max Hamilton. This scale is the most highly rated measured tool to use when measuring anxiety and depression. After constructing the test, the new tool Beck Anxiety Inventory otherwise known as BAI become increasingly popular amongst the medical community when it came to helping patients with their anxiety. This was constructed to help address the difference between anxiety and depression in patience. While many instruments failed to pass adequately, such as the Self Rating Anxiety Scale. The BAI continued to thrive as it became continuously validated through the medical community. The Beck Depression Inventory otherwise known as BDI is a widely known tool used to measure impact of depression. Correlating as well as the effectiveness of The Hamilton Scales, BAI and BDI methods is of the most importance. However, both BAI and The Hamilton Scales do not have the same measurements this can allow for the results to be short.Measuring Clinical Anxiety Essay
All of these individuals that were chosen for this study four hundred fifty-six of which were men, followed by six hundred thirty women that were diagnosed with anxiety, while others were diagnosed with one or more disorders to add on top of anxiety and or depression. A subsample of one-hundred sixty individuals was conducted that broke others with psychological disorders into groups. Forty-five individuals were recognized to have a panic disorder, while another forty were diagnosed with depression. Both anxiety and agoraphobia have a total of eighteen contributors with this diagnosis. Lastly, the two smallest sub-groups of this subsample were miscellaneous nonanxiety with sixteen individuals, and this is proceeded by social and simple phobia.
There was a total of eighty-six items through-out the conducted study. After a number of items were removed from the study for a number of reasons such as being similar to each other, while others were not valid analyses. Your final number of items on the scale is twenty-one, each representing items of anxiety. Tested over a number of weeks the subjects are asked to rate how specific symptoms affected their daily life on a scale of zero to four. There was very little overlay of the relation of anxiety and depression in comparison to the BAI scores. The BAI and BDI had very distinct conclusions that were high when compared to relation. Also, amongst results it showed that the highest score of the depressed group was still lower than any score based out of another group. The highest level of consistency and validity was the BAI. Measuring Clinical Anxiety Essay