Management homework help

Unit 2 Assessment – Using Graphs To Describe Data


In this assignment, you will be required to use the Heart Rate Dataset to complete the following:

  • Use the classification of variables from the Unit 1 assignment to match each variable to one appropriate type of graph
  • Create graphs of those variables
  • Give a brief written description of how the values of each  variable are distributed in the sample. What does the graph tell us about the data in the heart rate sample?



  1. Open the Heart Rate Dataset in Excel
  2. Using the classification of variables from Unit 1 assignment as qualitative, quantitative discrete, or quantitative continuous, match each of the 3 variables to the most appropriate graph type. (For example, qualitative data can best be displayed with a pie chart or bar graph; continuous numerical data can best be displayed using a histogram)
  3. Use the graphing functions in Excel to create an appropriate graph of the data for each variable. Remember to properly label and title your graphs to clearly identify what the graph is about. Management homework help

Review these videos as needed:

Excel 2016: Creating a Pie Chart


Making a Simple Bar Graph in Excel


Additional Instructions:

Your assignment should be typed into a Word or other word processing document, formatted in APA style. The assignments must include

  • Running head
  • A title page with
    • Assignment name
    • Your name
    • Professor’s name
    • Course

Estimated time to complete: 3 hours


Scott Stevens. (2014). Making a simple bar graph in Excel [Video]. Retrieved from

Tom Kleen. (2017). Excel 2015: Creating a pie chart [Video]. Retrieved from Management homework help

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