Management homework help

In a 4–5 page paper, use the Financial Trend Monitoring System to identify financial factors affecting the financial solvency of a state, a local, or a nonprofit agency. You may choose a new agency to analyze or use one of the agencies you looked at in a previous assignment. (A federal agency or department should not be used for this assignment.) Using the financial factors from Table 7.1, pick 2–3 factors and conduct a trend analysis.

  1. Evaluate selected financial factors by analyzing financial data over at least the last five years. Title this section Trend Analysis.
    • See Table 7.1 Factors Affecting Financial Condition for a list of financial factors.
  2. Create a table or chart with each factor indicating the direction of the trend. Title this section Data Analysis. (Note: This section should only consist of at least two or three tables or charts.)
  3. Justify your table or chart for each factor by writing a brief evaluation of the trend. Title this section Trend Evaluation. Management homework help
  4. Develop and explain a policy statement based on your findings to manage areas of concern. Title this section Policy Statement.


Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Include an Introduction and Conclusion in the 4–5 page count. Your cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, the date, and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Evaluate financial trends for a selected agency and propose fiscal recommendations. Management homework help
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