Identify your selected healthcare policy priority and discuss the rationale for your selection. 

300 Words min, 1 Scholarly source (no older than 5 years), Strict APA.



-Identify your selected healthcare policy priority and discuss the rationale for your selection.

-Describe the model of policy making that you feel would be best applied to your policy issue and the rationale for selecting this model.



For the post above————>

Health care policy priority: Childhood Obesity

******************Policy models to choose from:************************

-(pilot method), is called for when policy making needs to be approached in pieces or steps. Breaking a situation down into smaller bits makes it much easier to approach and apply, and the pilot method may be the best initial approach.

– (The policy-stream model) contains a series of policy components that float around, so to speak (like soup), waiting for the joining of any two of the major streams to come together and link at the right time.

– (The stage-sequential model) most closely resembles the nursing process. Its stages are policy-agenda setting, policy formation, program implementation, and policy evaluation (Anderson, 1990); like the nursing process, it is cyclical and dynamic. The policy process always undergoes tweaking and re-evaluation.

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