. Identify if theory was used to guide the data collection and analysis.  3. Identify if the authors included theory as part of findings.

Please Read the article attached and follow the questions below to write the word summary. Do not invent. Read article and follow the questions below. everything needed is attached.

Write a 290-word summary of the article in which you:

  • 1. Provide a short summary of the review (research questions, number and type of studies reviewed, and major findings).
  • 2. Identify if theory was used to guide the data collection and analysis.
  • 3. Identify if the authors included theory as part of findings.
  • 4. State the major strengths and limitations of the study utilizing the evaluation guide in Box 29.1: Guidelines for Critiquing Systematic Reviews located on p. 666 in Ch. 29 of Nursing Research.
  • 5. Comment on the contributions of systematic reviews to evidence-based practice as contrasted with individual studies.
  • 6. Identify the level for the study in the hierarchy of evidence located in Figure 2.1 on p. 26 in Ch. 2 of Nursing Research.

Include a reference page identifying the article you selected and format according to APA guidelines.

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