Identify a global health concern/issue/problem found in at least three countries

Identify a global health concern/issue/problem found in at least three countries.  

Community/Public Health Nursing is concerned with the needs of populations in global communities as well as local neighborhoods. Scanning the global environment to identify the health concerns of populations at risk is supported by the principles of Community/Public Health Nursing and is a critical component of Community/Public Health Nursing practice. This assignment is designed to do the following:
Identify a global health concern/issue/problem found in at least three countries
Develop an educational Alert about this concern/issue/problem using an epidemiological framework
Analyze the risk factors and health promotion aspects of the global health concern/issue/problem from a worldwide perspective
Use internet sites (,, etc), international and global public health agencies, libraries, and other resources dealing with global health concerns/issues/problems.
Specifically the 3 to 4 page assignment using APA format requires the following:
1. Description of the public health global concern/issue/ problem using an epidemiological framework and bio-statistical data on populations affected, i.e. host-agent-environment framework and morbidity and mortality statistics for three countries.
2. Analysis and discussion of social, cultural, environmental, political, behavioral, economic (specific cost impact), health policies, and health care infrastructure factors in at least three countries where the health concern/issue/problem presents.
3. Discuss the health effects on the affected populations and the impact of these on international health. Use evidence-based data where relevant.
4. Discuss the efforts made by global organizations to improve the health and well-being of the affected populations which includes political action and policy development and levels of prevention in three countries.
5. Synthesize all relevant findings and cite three pertinent references (do not use online encyclopedias, only use global health sources like WHO, UN, CDC or UNICEF).

Identify a global health concern/issue/problem found in at least three countries

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