Human Resource Management homework help


Writing Assignment # 3 – TCM 710


Due Tuesday, May 10th at 11:55 PM

Reading Assignment: Read the case study – TerraCog Global Positioning Systems: Conflict and Communication on Project Aerial.  Directions for obtaining the case study are given below.

Writing Assignment # 3 – 10% of Final Grade: This assignment involves reading a case study and answering discussion questions relating to the case.  Refer to the course text as needed to review topics including ethics, negotiation, conflict resolution, and crisis management.  The Project Management Institute (PMI) Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct (which was covered in Assignment # 2) should also be used as a reference for the ethics related questions.  Considerable thought should be given concerning the case study and a well-rounded discussion should be provided.  Human Resource Management homework help




Assigned Reference:

Review the Project Management Institute (PMI) Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for ethics related questions.  This is easily found by doing an internet search.


Additional required references: At least two references should be provided other than the course text and the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.  These additional references should relate to some concepts from the case such as conflict resolution, negotiation, ethics, stress management, etc.  Use the parenthetical citing method for referencing where you list the author (or publication name if an author is not given) along with the date of publication at the point in your writing where the material was used.  A complete reference of the work using APA guidelines should be listed in a reference section at the end of the assignment.  Use credible references from peer reviewed articles or from respected organizations and publications. Do not use Wikipedia as a source.


Writing Assignment # 3 is not a term paper and other than references only a few formatting issues will be specified.   Respond to the questions in the order they are asked and identify each response by its corresponding question number.  List each question before providing an answer.  Each response should be double spaced and approximately ½ page in length.  Use parenthetical citing at the point in your answer where the reference material is used.  Include a reference section at the end of the paper.  The final length of this assignment should be between 2 and 3½ double spaced pages (plus references). Human Resource Management homework help

            Grading:  Writing Assignment # 3 will primarily be graded based on the clarity, accuracy, and insight provided in your responses.  Be sure to consider the material we have covered in the course text, the assigned reference, your experience, and references from other sources where appropriate.  Answer each question directly and provide a well-rounded discussion.  Your writing should be concise so that it answers each question thoroughly, but within a minimum amount of space.  Referencing and grammar will also be considered in the grading.


Obtaining the Case Study: You will need to purchase this case online from Harvard Business Publishing for $4.25.  The following link will direct you to the case:


You will be asked to provide your user name and password that you established with the first writing assignment.  You will then be allowed to enter the TCM 710 area and purchase and download the case: TerraCog Global Positioning Systems: Conflict and Communication on Project Aerial.  Harvard business publishing is available to assist you if you have problems obtaining the case at 1-800-545-7685.


Writing Assignment # 3 – Questions: After reading the assigned case, answer the following six questions as specified above.  You are not required to return this assignment file.  Return the questions and your responses in a new Word file through the Blackboard assignment link. (Be sure to number the questions and include your name at the top)


100 points total – All six questions valued equally


1) Identify the three most critical mistakes that have left TerraCog and the Aerial project in difficulty.  Justify your answers.


2) Based on the information presented in Chapter 12 of the course text concerning crisis leadership:


  1. a) How is the situation in the TerraCog case study similar to a crisis? Identify and discuss at least three similarities to a crisis.


  1. b) How is the situation in the TerraCog case study different from a crisis? Identify and discuss three differences that do not align with the definition of a crisis. Human Resource Management homework help


For Questions 3 and 4, review the assigned reference: The Project Management Institute (PMI) Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct (This is easily found by doing an internet search).  Also review the course text, Chapter 2 and Chapter 10 concerning ethics.

(continued on next page)

3) The people in this case are struggling with personal motivations that have presented some ethical dilemmas.  Identify three specific ethical dilemmas that are involved in this case along with the stakeholders for each of these dilemmas.  What are the appropriate ethical solutions and associated ramifications involved with these solutions.  Defend your recommendations. (Be sure to address the ramifications associated with your recommended solutions)


4) The PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct identifies four values related to ethics.  Select two of these values and discuss how each could help guide needed organizational or cultural changes at TerraCog Global Positioning Systems.


5)  Several of the Project Aerial team members are likely experiencing a great deal of stress resulting from the problems with the project.  Based on your own experience or other references, what stress management approach would you recommend?


6) What should Emma Richardson do as leader of the team to successfully resolve the dilemma associated with Project Aerial?  Identify specific concepts from the course text that support your answer. Human Resource Management homework help


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