How are cataracts treated in early stages versus advanced stages?

  1. How do cataracts affect vision?
  2. How are cataracts diagnosed?
  3. How are cataracts treated in early stages versus advanced stages?
  4. Describe the two main types of cataract surgery. 

5. Discuss conjunctivitis, or pinkeye and the main ways this infection is acquired. 

6. Discuss the eyes photoreceptor: rods and cones and effect of color blindness.

7. Explain why checking for pupils of equal diameter and documenting PERLA (Pupils Equal and Reactive to Light and Accommodation) are standard neurological signs.

8. Discuss the principles of accommodation, particularly related to the conditions of astigmatism, myopia and hyperopia and possible treatment modalities.

9. Discuss how the eye and the ear are not only receptors for light and sound impulses, but are also energy transducers.

10. Explain  structures of the ear that are important for hearing and those that are important for equilibrium.

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