Education homework help



Digital Marketing and Social-Media


                                Digital Marketing Plan

Coursework Weight 100%

Coursework Deadline:  Individual Part Tuesday 29th March 2022 at 14.00

Coursework Deadline   Group Part Week 11 Tuesday 17th May 2022 at 14.00

Individual Part Coursework


You are a member of a digital marketing team, which has been selected to develop a digital marketing plan for a retail business working in one of the following categories: Education homework help


Toy and hobbies shop

Fitness and Leisure wear

Children’s clothes





Jewellery and accessories


Stationery cards and gifts



You and members of your team will be allocated one category from this list.

You will be allocated a team at the start of the module.


The retail business is new to online so you will need to suggest, which channels (web / social media platforms/Apps) to use as part of your digital marketing plan.  The business is small but growing and has a budget of £15,000 to invest in the digital market plan.  You should give the business you are working for a name; this should not be an existing business.


Complete the following tasks.  There are 2 elements to this coursework: individual element and group element


Individual Element (50% of the marks)


Your individual report should apply the RACE planning framework and should include:


  • Situation review
  • Vision and objectives
  • Outline strategy


This individual element should follow the template provided at the end of this document.  Requirements and marking criteria are also provided by section.


The individual report deadline is Tuesday 29th  March 2022 at 14.00 and should be uploaded via Learn Turnitin.


You should prepare your report using the template provided at the end of this document. you should note sections carry different marks.  You can vary the style and the format to suit your brand but must follow the headings and word limits for each section. Education homework help


The Individual element accounts for 50% of the total mark.  The marks are allocated as follows:


Section 1 total 15 of the marks Situation Review; total of 800 words

Section 2 total 10 marks Digital Marketing Goals; total of 400 words

Section 3 total 25 marks Digital Marketing Strategy; total of 800 words


Your report should include at least 10 and no more than 15 references.

You can add appendices to the individual report but remember these only provide relevant supporting evidence and are not a means to extend the word limit.


This coursework is not peer assessed.


Word count for each section of this report is detailed in the attached template with additional advice on how to compete each section.

Group Part Coursework

Group Element (50% of the marks) Group digital marketing plan in form of a PowerPoint presentation


Total marks for group coursework:  50% of the Marks


Once you have completed your individual assignment you should produce a Digital marketing plan, in consultation with your team members.  The final design of the plan will incorporate ideas from each individual report created by team members. Your team will be required to produce only ONE digital marketing plan for the brand in your allocated sector.  You will be given guidance on how to work together and have the opportunity to work on developing and extracting ideas in group workshops provisionally in weeks 5-8. Education homework help


For your group to present your presentation you should use PowerPoint not Prezi or any other form of presentation software.  The presentation should be no longer than 15 slides, this includes the title slide, and any concluding slides.


The total maximum length of the presentation is 15 slides.


Your group presentation should include:


  • Digital Marketing strategy for the team’s selected brand
  • Segmentation and target Market
  • Digital Media Plan
  • Campaign Evaluation and Measurement


The PowerPoint presentation will be a group submission and should be uploaded on Learn Turnitin Week 11, on Tuesday 17th May 2021 at 14.00 (just one report per group of students – not one per student). All members of each group are expected to contribute equally to this presentation.


Any group issues you will need to alert me as soon as possible so I can help mediate.





Provide evidence of all the information sources you have used throughout your text, using Harvard Referencing rules for in-text referencing and in the Reference List.

At the end of the report, you will include a section listing the references in more detail.

You should aim to use at least 10 academic references.



Marking Criteria for individual and group element marking criteria


  Overall Marking criteria

(not equally weighted)



Very Poor Poor Weaker than required Ok in parts, but limited Good Very Good Excellent
a Application of Theory              
b Evidence base of wider reading and independent study:              
c Addressing the question set              
d Critical analysis and interpretation              
e Overall presentation and structure              
f Creativity and Originality of report              
g Recommendations              

** For the Group presentation References are not required on the presentation slides, please provide on a separate sheet as a bibliography rather than a reference list.



Situation review







Digital Strategy


Group Presentation



Total Mark  

















Coursework Submission


The deadline date is provided above.  One electronic copy must be uploaded to the submission point for the module on LEARN by the submission deadline.


You must use the following file naming convention for your work.  You should not include your name anywhere on your assignment.  You should also include the filename in the header of your assignment. Education homework help


StudentNumber – Module code – Coursework component (e.g. B123456-20BSP123-CW1)


Your submission should be one document only (i.e. no loose appendices etc), preferably in Word or as a pdf (not scanned copy).  If your assignment consists of different documents in varying formats you will need to embed them in a Word document or convert them to pdf and upload one document.  The file size limit for your submission is 20MB.


IMPORTANT NOTE:  You need to ensure you back up your coursework and any other important documents.   Information on data storage can be found here:


Losing your work through technical failure is not a valid reason for a Mitigating Circumstances claim or a coursework extension request.



Extensions and Mitigating Circumstances


If you have any other problems with meeting the deadline for this coursework you may wish to request a 48-hour extension and/or submit a Mitigating Circumstances claim. This must be requested in advance via:


Coursework Extension Link:

Mitigating Circumstances Link:



Consultation and Feedback


Insert consultation and feedback information and include the following sentence


Consultation on module content and readings will be available throughout the taught elements of the module.

Feedback will be provided informally during class sessions and formally in response to part 1 and 2 of this assignment.


Provisional marks and feedback should be available by Date.  All marks are provisional until ratified by the formal examination boards.


Marking Rubric




Company Name Marketing Plan

Section 1: Situation Review (25% of the marks and a Maximum of 800 words)


In this section you should provide an analysis of the digital marketing environment, for the product sector your brand operates in, you should include: Education homework help


Online market place analysis


You are expected to consider relevant digital marketing environments; show understanding of how customer (who might wish to buy your products) might interact in digital markets; suggest possible target markets and the specific characteristics of these customers; review potential competitors (real established brands, which might compete with the brand you are developing the digital marketing plan for).





Section 2: Digital Marketing Goals (25% of the marks and a Maximum of 400 words)


In this section you should provide details of the goals for your digital marketing strategy. You should consider the structure of the market, the potential strength of demand and competitors’ strategies before deciding on your specific goals.  The goals you set will determine where you want your brand to be within 12 months of launching your digital marketing plan. You should set no more than 3 goals.


You should also note the word limit for this section, which has been set to allow you to stipulate how each goal meets the SMART criteria (discussed in class), explain the digital media and channels you intend to use.



Section 3: Digital Marketing Strategy (50% of the marks and a Maximum of 800 words)


In this section you should provide details of your digital marketing strategy.  The strategy should demonstrate your understanding of how you intend to achieve the goals you have set (section 2) in the online marketplace (section 1) you will be launching your plan. Education homework help


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