Education homework help

Education homework help

To Create A Plan For A Third Grade Physical Education Class And To Evaluate Your Plan.


You are a physical education teacher of third grade students at an urban public school. Aware of the lack of physical activity among many American children, you have decided to plan a physical education regimen for your students that maximizes their opportunities for exercise. You also want to plan physical activities for students in your class that will help them learn age-appropriate physical skills that will develop motor skills.  Education homework help


Health and Physical Development (HPD)

  • Physical Health and Growth
    • Goal HPD-2: Children engage in active physical play indoors and outdoors.
  • Motor Development
    • Goal HPD-4: Children develop the large muscle control and abilities needed to move through and explore their environment.
    • Goal HPD-5: Children develop small muscle control and hand-eye coordination to manipulate objects and work with tools.

Healthful Living

  • Physical Education
    • Motor Skills
    • Movement Concepts
    • Health-related Fitness

Instructions and Rubric for Chapter Scenario: 100 Points Total

Focus Assignment: 50 points

Create a plan for physical activities to be incorporated in your PE class during the school year.

  • In a minimum of 1 paragraph for each, describe two to three activities each that will
    •  (1) keep all students physically active in your class, and
    •  (2) teach students to develop fine and gross motor skills as appropriate for their age level.

Self Reflection: 50 points

  1. For each item of your plan, explain how this item addresses the issues in the scenario (40 points). Education homework help
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