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Final Exam Identifications, Essay Questions, and Rubric

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Part One: Identifications (10 points each; 200 points total)

This section requires you to write short answers to each identification question. There are 20 identification questions worth 10 points each for 200 points total. Each answer must address who, what, when, where, and why in the identification.

Each answer should be no more than one paragraph in length (4-5 sentences or 150 – 200 words), double-spaced with 1-inch margins using 12 point Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman font. You are not required to include citations. Each answer must:

  • Identify the individual named, author, event, and other key individuals and groups (2 points)
  • Discuss what the identification term or name is about (2 points)
  • Describe when it occurred (1 point)
  • Describe where it occurred (1 point)
  • Explain why the individual, group, or event is significant for understanding African American Studies (4 points)


Listed below are twenty identification terms you will need to answer in Part One of the exam. You must answer all twenty terms to receive full credit. DO NOT copy and paste language from classroom resources or any other source. This is an act of plagiarism and is a violation of the academic integrity pledge you signed in Week 1. Education homework help

The twenty identification terms are drawn from Weeks 5-8 of the AASP 201 classroom resources. Please use your class readings first to answer the terms before resorting to outside sources.

1. 227

2. Black Panther Party

3. Nadir

4. Ella Baker

5. “Sermon at Temple Israel of Hollywood”

6. “Message to Grassroots”

7. John Lewis

8. The Cosby Show

9. National Association of Black Journalists

10. Browder v. Gayle

11. “Black University”

12. Civil Rights Act of 1964

13. “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”

14. Voting Rights Act of 1965

15. Black Women’s Studies

16. James E. Wright

17. Stokely Carmichael

18. Greg Carr

19. “the American Dilemma”

20. Carter G. Woodson

Part Two: Essay (100 points)

You are required to answer one of two essay questions described below. The essay portion must be 4-5 pages in length, double-spaced, numbered, include 1-inch margins, use 12-point Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman font.

Your essay must include a Works Cited page. The citation style of the Works Cited page may be either Chicago, APA, or MLA. The selected citations must be appropriate to the exam topic and the citations must support the assertions made in the exam.

Your essay will include three main parts—the Thesis/Introduction, Argument, and Conclusion.

The Introduction section should clearly state the thesis within the first 1-2 paragraphs. The thesis must be relevant and appropriate to the argument and demonstrate an accurate and complete understanding of the question. This section should make it clear which question you are answering, but it should do more than restate the question by offering a brief response and it should be free of grammar and spelling errors.

The Argument section (3-4 pages) should incorporate pertinent details from the assigned readings but you may also use outside readings. The section must provide relevant historical evidence to support the thesis and the key claims made in the argument as needed. It should maintain focus and avoid sidetracking. It should present your answer to the question clearly and concisely in an organized manner and it should be free of grammar and spelling errors. Education homework help

The Conclusion section should be in the last part of your essay exam within the last 1-2 paragraphs. It should briefly restate the thesis and summarize the main points of the argument. It should also demonstrate insight and understanding regarding the question asked and it should be free of grammar and spelling errors.

A scoring rubric for the essay portion is included below. Please answer one of the essay questions below:

1. Despite the expansive and innovative work of historians and other scholars over the past two decades, popular histories of the Civil Rights Movement still tend to have a limited focus. In these popular histories, there is a focus on the 1950s and 1960s with a limited cast of characters, most notably Martin Luther King, Jr. Using readings from this course (Weeks 1 – 8), how would you combat these popular histories and expand the narrative of the Civil Rights Movement? Items you should address in your answer: time period of the movement (when does it begin? when does it end?), organizations involved in the movement, important turning points, leaders and grassroots activists that should be included. Feel free to address other subject areas that you feel are important to tell a more complete story of the Civil Rights Movement. Lastly, in your conclusion, address why it is important to have an expansive view of the Civil Rights Movement that extends beyond the 1950s and 1960s.


2. As noted by historian Martha Biondi, scholars of African American studies often use their work and the resources of their institutions to address the crises facing the black community. These crises have included mass incarceration, healthcare, police brutality, education, employment, affordable housing, etc. Select TWO of the crises facing the black community in 2022 from the list provided in the previous sentence. Discuss how research and education in African American studies can AND should be used to combat these issues. In answering this question, consider how the materials you have read in this course (Weeks 1 – 8) have highlighted important information and context needed to understand these crises. Additionally, discuss what information is missing and what additional context is needed to appropriately understand how these issues plague African Americans. Lastly, in your conclusion, address why additional research and education in African American studies is important to combat your selected issues.


Mechanics – 10 points (5 criteria):

4-5 double-spaced pages in length; pages are numbered; 1 inch margins included; 12 point Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman font used; a cover page with identifying information included

All 5 criteria are present with 0-1 error = 9-10 points 4 of 5 criteria are present OR all 5 criteria are present with 2-3 errors = 8 points 3 of 5 criteria are present OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 2-3 errors OR all 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors = 7 points 2 of 5 criteria are present OR 3 of 5 criteria are present with 2-3 errors OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors OR all 5 criteria are present with 6-7 errors = 6 points 0 or 1 of 5  criteria are present OR 2 of 5 criteria are present with 2-3 errors OR 3 of 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 6-7 errors OR all 5 criteria are present with more than 7 errors = 5 points
Citations – 10 points (5 criteria):

Works Cited page included; appropriate citation style used; selected sources are appropriate to the topic; citations support assertions made in the essay; footnotes/endnotes used in instances where detailed explanations would distract from the argument

All 5 criteria are present with 0-1 error = 9-10 points 4 of 5 criteria are present OR all 5 criteria are present with 2-3 errors = 8 points 3 of 5 criteria are present OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 2-3 errors OR all 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors = 7 points 2 of 5 criteria are present OR 3 of 5 criteria are present with 2-3 errors OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors OR all 5 criteria are present with 6-7 errors = 6 points 0 or 1 of 5  criteria are present OR 2 of 5 criteria are present with 2-3 errors OR 3 of 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 6-7 errors OR all 5 criteria are present with more than 7 errors = 5 points
Thesis/Introduction – 10 points (5 criteria):

Clearly stated within the first 1-2 paragraphs; relevant & appropriate to the argument; demonstrated an accurate & complete understanding of the question(s); did more than restate the question(s) & offer a brief response; free of grammar & spelling errors

All 5 criteria are present with 0-1 error = 9-10 points 4 of 5 criteria are present OR all 5 criteria are present with 2-3 errors = 8 points 3 of 5 criteria are present OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 2-3 errors OR all 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors = 7 points 2 of 5 criteria are present OR 3 of 5 criteria are present with 2-3 errors OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors OR all 5 criteria are present with 6-7 errors = 6 points 0 or 1 of 5  criteria are present OR 2 of 5 criteria are present with 2-3 errors OR 3 of 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 6-7 errors OR all 5 criteria are present with more than 7 errors = 5 points
Argument – 60 points (5 criteria)

Incorporated pertinent details from assigned coursework & outside readings when permitted; provided relevant historical evidence to support the thesis & key claims in the argument as needed; maintained focus & avoided being sidetracked; presented answer clearly & concisely in an organized manner; 3-4 pages in length and free of grammar and spelling errors

All 5 criteria are present with 0-1 error = 54-60 points 4 of 5 criteria are present OR all 5 criteria are present with 2-3 errors = 48-53 points 3 of 5 criteria are present OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 2-3 errors OR all 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors = 42-47 points 2 of 5 criteria are present OR 3 of 5 criteria are present with 2-3 errors OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors OR all 5 criteria are present with 6-7 errors = 36-41 points 0 or 1 of 5  criteria are present OR 2 of 5 criteria are present with 2-3 errors OR 3 of 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 6-7 errors OR all 5 criteria are present with more than 7 errors = 35 points
Conclusion – 10 points (5 criteria)

Clearly stated within the last 1-2 paragraphs; briefly restated the thesis; summarized the main points of the argument; demonstrated  insight & understanding regarding the question(s); free of grammar & spelling errors

All 5 criteria are present with 0-1 error = 9-10 points 4 of 5 criteria are present OR all 5 criteria are present with 2-3 errors = 8 points 3 of 5 criteria are present OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 2-3 errors OR all 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors = 7 points 2 of 5 criteria are present OR 3 of 5 criteria are present with 2-3 errors OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors OR all 5 criteria are present with 6-7 errors = 6 points 0 or 1 of 5  criteria are present OR 2 of 5 criteria are present with 2-3 errors OR 3 of 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 6-7 errors OR all 5 criteria are present with more than 7 errors = 5 points

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