Diplock Commission Sample Essay

Diplock Commission Sample Essay

Diplock commission was a criminal court in Northern Ireland for booked offenses. The commission was chaired by Diplock and its purpose was to consider the kind of techniques in the organization of justice in the country. Therefore, a successful bargain was to be found between the oppressors by bringing to book instead of executing imprisonment to individuals who acted as aggressors. Diplock Commission Sample Essay

The commission proposed that cross-examination of individuals suspected of terrorist activities should be lengthy and severe. Lengthy interrogation was aimed at obtaining an admission of guilt by the suspect which would eliminate the need for a contested trial. The proposition was aimed at getting rid of the lawful hindrances that discouraged law enforcement officers (Korff, 1982). Therefore, persistent and forceful questioning without application of unlawful means was allowed to obtain a confession from suspects. Moreover, the confession given by the suspect would be admissible as evidence in cases involving the scheduled offenses unless it was obtained through torture or inhumane treatment. If admissible it would be upon the courts to determine its reliability based on the evidence given from both sides to the circumstances in which the confession had been obtained. Diplock Commission Sample Essay


          The commission was also set up in such a way that it gave law enforcement officers powers to arrest people suspected of terrorist activities or having credible information about terrorist activities. Besides, they were allowed to detain them for a certain period in order to obtain their identity (Korff, 1982). Through arrests and detention, police could, therefore, determine whether an individual is a terrorist or not and significant information about impending terrorist attacks could be realized hence deterring possible attacks and bringing terrorists out of circulation.

The commission also advocated that trials of scheduled offenses should be made by a High Court judge sitting alone without jury with the usual rights of appeal. This was in an attempt to ensure that the judge’s decision was rational and not influenced by other members of the jury. Diplock Commission Sample Essay

In conclusion, the Diplock Commission proposed that cross-examination of individuals suspected of terrorist activities should be lengthy and severe. Besides, the commission was also set up in such a way that it gave law enforcement officers powers to arrest people suspected of terrorist activities or having credible information about terrorist activities.


Korff , D. (1982). The Diplock Courts in Northern Ireland: A Fair Trial? Netherlands Institute of Hu~an Rights , 1-60.

Diplock Commission Sample Essay

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