Define the paradox of servant leadership and explain where you see this paradox present in your own representation.

Review the variety of graphic representations of servant leadership models and other leadership/management models listed below. You may search online for others as well. As you review the models, consider what you think are the most significant differences between servant leadership models and other models. Then either create your own graphic to visually represent your understanding of servant leadership or revise one of the existing graphics so that it better represents your understanding. If you revise an existing model, be sure to credit your original source.

Once you have created your model, compose a brief analysis (250 words) that addresses the following:

  1. What are the most significant differences between servant leadership models and other models?
  2. Define the paradox of servant leadership and explain where you see this paradox present in your own representation.
  3. Based on your understanding of effective leadership, how do you think your representation captures those qualities or characteristics?

Suggested Models

Transformational Servant Leadership Values & Ethics

Leadership Responsibilities of Professionals

Leadership Framework (LF)

Sustainability Leadership Relational Model

Stephanie Reynolds Consulting


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