Classroom Management Assignment Sample

Classroom Management Assignment Sample

Engaging learners in course work fosters a sense of commitment as they enjoy learning. Besides, learners who are engaged in course work interact with other learners through which acquired knowledge is passed.Classroom Management Assignment Sample

Learner engagement in the course has a positive impact on classroom management. For instance, through classroom engagement, a culture of sharing and caring is established at all levels of education. As a result, students who possess an introvert nature are given an opportunity to express their ideas (McKeachie & Svinicki, 2014). As a result, both teachers and students come up with the best practices of managing class hours as everybody’s voice is considered.  Besides, student engagement in the course plays a pivotal role in stress and anger management among students and teachers which makes it easier for class management. When teachers and students engage with each other, they control any kind of negative feelings which leads to effective classroom management.


Learner boredom can be avoided by engaging the students in interactive learning which involves instructing the students in a way they are actively involved in the learning process.  For instance, the teacher can pair the students and set a question on a particular topic. The students research the given topic and later give a summary of their findings (McKeachie & Svinicki, 2014). Through this, the students are engaged and are likely to remember what they learned for a long time. Engaging students in a buzz session also avoid classroom boredom. When students come up together on a session that focuses on a single topic, each of them can share their ideas as the session encourages collaboration and discussion among the students. As a result, everyone learns from each other’s experiences making the class interesting.Classroom Management Assignment Sample

In conclusion, through classroom engagement, a culture of sharing and caring is established at all levels of education. As a result, students who possess an introvert nature are given an opportunity to express their ideas. Besides, Learner boredom is avoided by engaging the students in interactive learning which involves instructing the students in a way they are actively involved in the learning process. For instance, engaging the students in a buzz session.


McKeachie, W., & Svinicki, M. (2014). McKeachie’s Teaching Tips: Strategies, Research, and Theory for College and University Teachers. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning., 1-407.Classroom Management Assignment Sample


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