Business & Finance homework help

Porter’s Five Forces for the Industry

Perform a Porter Five Forces analysis on the organization’s industry
The industry is the industry determined for Project 1 (See Dr. Kathy’s Notes for Week Two).

a. First, use the course materials to identify the five forces and what components make up each force.

b. Then, perform an analysis of each force that clearly discusses the ‘why and how’ and concludes with the effect of the given force on the fortunes of the industry (industry profitability) and/or industry dynamics; that is, whether the effect of the force on the industry is weak/modest/average/moderate or strong/severe.Use industry research for support.

You may not use a Porter Five Forces analysis that is already completed and available on the Internet. A zero will result if used as the analysis results from your research and your own development. Business & Finance homework help

II. Porter’s Five Forces for the Company

Perform a Porter Five Forces analysis on the focal company in particular.
Perform an analysis of each force that clearly discusses the ‘why and how’ and concludes with the effect of the given force on the fortunes of the focal company; that is, whether the effect of the force is weak/modest/average/moderate or strong/severe on the focal company. Use company research and course materials for support.


You may not use a Porter Five Forces analysis that is already completed and available on the Internet. A zero will result if used as the analysis results from your research and your own development.

III. Competitive Analysis

Perform a Competitive Analysis using the focal company’s closest three competitors plus the selected company. Explain why these companies are competitors, using course materials for support of your rationale. Analyze the competition’s products and services, explaining features, value, targets, etc. What are the competition’s strengths and weaknesses, and what is the market outlook for the competition? Use industry research and course materials for support in this analysis.
IV. Critical Success Factors

Identify and discuss at least eight (8) key success factors (critical success factors), using both course materials and industry research for support. Each industry has different key success factors, so make sure the success factors fit the industry. Review the Competitive Profile Matrix Example under Week 3 Content for clarification.
V. Competitor Profile Matrix (CPM)


Develop a Competitor Profile Matrix (CPM) to compare your company with these three competitors (from section III). Explain how you developed the matrix. Make sure to support your reasoning with course materials and industry research.
VI. Partial SWOT (OT) Analysis

A SWOT analysis is a tool used to assess the strengths and weaknesses (internal environment) and the opportunities and threats (external environment) of an organization. You will complete a partial SWOT analysis only completing an analysis on the OT (Opportunities and Threats). The information presented is not based on your beliefs but fact-based, data-driven information. The items used in the OT are factors that are affecting or might affect the focal company or those companies within the identified industry. Business & Finance homework help

VI.A. OT Table
Develop an OT table using your research to identify at least five (5) opportunities and five (5) threats that influence the industry and the focal company. Use industry or company research for support of each opportunity and threat. Make sure to cite the elements within the table.
VI. B. OT Analysis

Perform an OT analysis (separate from the SWOT table). Use course materials and company and industry research for support.
You may not use a SWOT analysis that is already completed and available on the Internet. The OT is for the focal company and no other company. A zero will result if used as the analysis results from your research and your own development.
VII. External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Analysis

The External Factor Evaluation (EFE) matrix will allow you to use the industry analysis and the competitive analysis to assess whether the focal company can effectively take advantage of existing opportunities while minimizing the identified external threats that will help you formulate new strategies and policies. You will use the opportunities and threats from the OT analysis.

Using the information gathered for the OT analysis, develop an EFE matrix using five (5) opportunities and five (5) threats. Discuss how you developed the EFE matrix and the outcome. Make sure to support your reasoning with course materials and company/industry research.
VIII. Conclusion

Create a conclusion. The Conclusion is intended to emphasize the purpose/significance of the analysis, emphasize the significance/consequence of findings, and indicate the wider applications derived from the main points of the project’s requirements. You will conclude with the findings of the external environment analysis. Use course materials and industry/company research for support in this section. Business & Finance homework help

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