Biology homework help

Hi Brian. We are making a business plan about allowing pharmacists to provide Hormonal contraception clinic services to women. We plan to put hormonal contraception service in the CVS store close to the university where a lot of students can afford the hormonal contraception products, and beater have a deep understanding on how to use those products.

(This proposed business plan allows pharmacists to provide Hormonal contraception clinic services to women. Most states with pharmacist contraceptive prescribing laws permit pharmacists to prescribe Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved self-administered hormonal contraceptives, and some permit pharmacists to administer the birth control shot. Because pharmacists keep longer hours than primary care physicians and are available without an appointment, an outpatient community pharmacy would be an ideal place for women to both obtain and fill, on a walk-in basis, a prescription for hormonal contraception pills, patches, vaginal rings, or injections.)


Strengths. What unique things give your program a competitive advantage over other options in the health care marketplace? Why would customers purchase your service, or purchase the service at your pharmacy rather than at some competitor?

1. There are not a lot of people that do not know pharmacies can also furnish contraception

2. They do not need to go to the doctors’ office for a prescription.

3. Women experience a lot of unfavorable side effects from their hormonal contraceptive.  With this service, we can help them select the right hormone product to reduce side effects and improve quality of life.

4. Pharmacists keep longer hours than primary care physicians and are available without an appointment

Weaknesses. How ready is your real life organization to serve the customer’s needs for the service you propose?  What would prevent you from being able to provide the service well and profitably?  Biology homework help

1. Some people are shy to talk about contraception

2. They might be more comfortable talking to their doctors

3. They do not know that pharmacists are allowed to furnish + consult on  contraceptives

4. Depending on the location, there might be competitors that already offer this kind of service. Biology homework help

Now you please help me address those things below Brian! Thank you


• What is your reputation? How does it compare to other pharmacies?

• Do people recommend your pharmacy to others?

• What does social media (e.g., YELP) say about your pharmacy? How does it compare to other pharmacies? • If your store is part of a chain or network, what is the reputation of your chain or network? How does it  compare to other chains?

• What is your reputation with physicians in the area?



• Do customers ask for your pharmacists and techs by name?

• What unique expertise do your people have (e.g., credentials)?

• Is management engaged and supportive of what you do?

• Does management provide effective leadership?

• Do employees and management have a marketing mindset?

• How committed are employees to the success of the organization?

• Are there employees dragging down the organization?


Do you have a particular advantage in the area when it comes to:

• Perceived price?

• Convenience?

• Location?

• Promotional messaging?

• Merchandise and service selection?

• Unique products or services that cannot be found elsewhere?

• Relationships with physicians and other health care providers in the area?

• Quality processes and procedures?


• Are your employees already working at capacity?

• Does your organization have the employee and management commitment needed to succeed in the  marketplace?

• Does your organization have the money needed to succeed in the marketplace?

• Does your organization have the technology needed to support your product or service? • How well does the layout of your pharmacy support your efforts to serve patients?


• Are your employees already working at capacity?

• Does your organization have the employee and management commitment needed to succeed in the  marketplace?

• Does your organization have the money needed to succeed in the marketplace?

• Does your organization have the technology needed to support your product or service? • How well does the layout of your pharmacy support your efforts to serve patients? Biology homework help

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