Applied Sciences homework help


Intervention Communication Plan
For this assignment, imagine that your Implementation and Evaluation Proposal was approved. Now, you’ve been asked to create a presentation for a group of leaders at the care setting to summarize your previous work on problem definition, socioeconomic determinants, gaps in care and resources, as well as your intervention plan. Also, as part of the presentation you have been asked to propose communication strategies that will target internal stakeholders and the target population.
Please use the care setting that you used as context for your Implementation and Evaluation Proposal assignment. Review any relevant feedback you received on that assignment that might help you improve your presentation.
Assignment Instructions
The presentation that you create for this assignment should serve three main purposes:
● To educate the leadership group with regard to the population health issue, current gaps and barriers, and the intervention plan.
● To present communication strategies that will help build buy-in with internal stakeholders and strategies to raise awareness and understanding of the intervention in the target population.
● To communicate persuasively with regard to the need for the intervention plan and the effectiveness of the implementation and communication strategies.
The presentation itself should be in the form of a PowerPoint presentation, 15–20 slides in length, not including references. Include notes that elaborate on the actual slides.
In general, about half your presentation should focus on providing the audience with an overview of the most relevant information regarding socioeconomic determinants, gaps in care and resources, as well as your intervention plan and its potential implementation. The other half should focus on the communication strategies for the two audiences of your intervention, internal stakeholders and the target population. When thinking about communication strategies, think of the ways to leverage technology and social media. This could include approaches such as a blog, a Facebook page, a Twitter hashtag, or a YouTube channel. Think about what ways each audience prefers to communicate and has access to when researching and proposing your communication strategies.
One potential approach to outlining your PowerPoint is as follows. However, you should construct your assignment submission in a way that makes sense to you, and could be potentially useful in your personal or professional pursuits. Applied Sciences homework help
Possible presentation outline:
● Title Page.
● Problem and Plan Overview.
○ Current state of a health need or problem within the target population.
○ Socioeconomic and behavioral determinants impacting the problem and population.
○ Current resources, or lack thereof, as well as gaps and barriers related to accessing care.
○ Discussion of the intervention and implementation plans.
● Communication Strategies.
○ Proposal of communication strategies for creating buy-in and engagement for internal audience who will be part of the implementation.
○ Providing scholarly and professional support for your proposed strategies is an important persuasive strategy.
○ Proposal of communication strategies for building awareness and understanding of the intervention within the target population.
○ Providing scholarly and professional support for your proposed strategies is an important persuasive strategy.
● Persuasive Appeal.
○ Address why it is important to address the health need or problem of the target population.
○ Address why the intervention and implementation plans will lead to improved health and outcomes for the target population.
○ Address why the communication plan should help with implementation and reaching the target population.
● Conclusions.
● Reference List.
Make sure to address the following scoring guide criteria in your presentation:
● Summarize a population health need of a chosen population and the relevant socioeconomic and behavioral determinants.
● Summarize the current gaps and barriers with regards to accessing care and resources for the chosen population.
● Summarize an evidence-based intervention plan to improve the outcomes related to a population health need of a chosen population.
● Propose communication strategies to build buy-in and engagement of internal audiences who will implement the population health intervention.
● Propose communication strategies that align with the targeted population’s needs, demographics, and interests and will serve to build awareness and understanding of the intervention program.
● Defend recommendations related to the intervention, implementation, and communication plans with specific evidence from the literature and best-practices.
● Communicate clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
Submission Requirements
● Total length: 15–20 slides, not including references.
● Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
● Number of references: Minimum of ten scholarly or professional references from appropriate sources.
● APA formatting: Citations and references should follow APA formatting guidelines.

Intervention Communication Plan Scoring Guide
Due Date: End of Unit 9
Percentage of Course Grade: 25%.
Summarize a population health need of a chosen population and the relevant socioeconomic and behavioral determinants.


14% Does not list a population health need of a chosen population and the relevant socioeconomic and behavioral determinants. States a population health need of a chosen population and lists relevant socioeconomic and behavioral determinants, but does not adequately summarize. Summarizes a population health need of a chosen population and the relevant socioeconomic and behavioral determinants. Summarizes a population health need of a chosen population and the relevant socioeconomic and behavioral determinants. Notes the importance of addressing the population health need of the chosen population. Applied Sciences homework help
Summarize the current gaps and barriers with regards to accessing care and resources for the chosen population.
14% Does not list the current gaps and barriers with regards to accessing care and resources for the chosen population. Lists the current gaps and barriers with regards to accessing care and resources for the chosen population. Summarizes the current gaps and barriers with regards to accessing care and resources for the chosen population. Summarizes the current gaps and barriers with regards to accessing care and resources for the chosen population. Notes which gaps or barriers are the most critical to address.
Summarize an evidence-based intervention plan to improve the outcomes related to a population health need of a chosen population.
14% Does not list key points of an evidence-based intervention plan to improve the outcomes related to a population health need of a chosen population. Lists key points of an evidence-based intervention plan to improve the outcomes related to a population health need of a chosen population, but does not offer a complete summary. Summarizes an evidence-based intervention plan to improve the outcomes related to a population health need of a chosen population. Summarizes an evidence-based intervention plan to improve the outcomes related to a population health need of a chosen population. Notes the feasibility of the intervention plan within the context of a chosen health care setting.
Propose communication strategies to build buy-in and engagement of internal audiences who will implement the population health intervention.
16% Does not identify communication strategies to build buy-in and engagement of internal audiences who will implement the population health intervention. Identifies communication strategies to build buy-in and engagement of internal audiences who will implement the population health intervention. Proposes communication strategies to build buy-in and engagement of internal audiences who will implement the population health intervention. Proposes communication strategies to build buy-in and engagement of internal audiences who will implement the population health intervention. Notes potential barriers to applying proposed strategies and possible ways to overcome those barriers.
Propose communication strategies which align with the targeted population’s needs, demographics, and interests and will serve to build awareness and understanding of the intervention program.
16% Does not identify communication strategies which align with the targeted population’s needs, demographics, and interests and will serve to build awareness and understanding of the intervention program. Identifies communication strategies which align with the targeted population’s needs, demographics, and interests and will serve to build awareness and understanding of the intervention program. Proposes communication strategies which align with the targeted population’s needs, demographics, and interests and will serve to build awareness and understanding of the intervention program. Proposes communication strategies which align with the targeted population’s needs, demographics, and interests and will serve to build awareness and understanding of the intervention program. Notes potential barriers to applying proposed strategies and possible ways to overcome those barriers.
Defend recommendations related to the intervention, implementation, and communication plans with specific evidence from the literature and best-practices.
16% Does not describe specific evidence from the literature and best-practices related to the intervention, implementation, and communication plans. Describes specific evidence from the literature and best-practices related to the intervention, implementation, and communication plans, but does not offer a true defense of recommendations. Defends recommendations related to the intervention, implementation, and communication plans with specific evidence from the literature and best-practices. Defends recommendations related to the intervention, implementation, and communication plans with specific evidence from the literature and best-practices. Notes and responds to evidence from opposing or contrary viewpoints.
Communicate clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
10% Communication does not support a central idea in appropriate APA format. Does not use correct grammar, usage, and mechanics. Communication supports an idea. APA format is inconsistent, containing major errors of grammar, usage, and mechanics. Communicating coherently supports a central idea in appropriate APA format and contains few errors of grammar, usage, and mechanics. Communication is coherent, using evidence to support a central idea in a consistently appropriate APA format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics. Applied Sciences homework help


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