Accounting homework help

Participation consists of submitting and commenting on current articles related to real estate.  Links to these articles are to be posted to Article Participation under the Discussion Board.  Do  not post the article itself, just it’s link.

You are to read these articles and then post your comments/thoughts about that article. When submitting an article, YOU MUST begin your comment with “What I found interesting about this article is …”. If this is not the first sentence in your comment, no credit will be given.

DO NOT write a summary of the article. Summaries will not receive any credit. I am looking for your own comments/thoughts about the article.

Your article and comment is now available for the class to read. The class is then invited to post their own comment about the article or your comment.  Accounting homework help


These articles must be current and pertain to any aspect of real estate, or anything that impacts real estate. These articles can be found online, in publications or any other source you uncover.

Comments MUST BE substantive, not just a quick line or two. I am looking for at least four lines of meaningful, thoughtful commentary.

The link to the article need to be submitted with the answers. It can not be the ones already taken.

Please it need to start as “What I found interesting about this article is …”Accounting homework help

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