Choose three examples from the art ofthe ancient Near East that either prove or disprove the statement that the art of this region can be seen as fearsome, militant, or political in nature

It has been suggested that the art of Mesopotamia often contains elements that can be seen as fearsome, militant, or political in nature, while the art of the ancient Aegean is more harmonious, exuberant, and non-threatening. Using your textbook, carefully examine the art from both places.

Ancient Near East (Mesopotamia)

Choose three examples from the art of the ancient Near East that either prove or disprove the statement that the art of this region can be seen as fearsome, militant, or political in nature. Capture each image and place it in the Word document provided for this assignment. For each example, you will need to provide the following information: The title of the work, its date, its place of origin, a detailed description as to what you see being depicted in the work of art, 3–5 sentences as to the work’s historical value, and 4–7 sentences as to how this work of art proves or disproves the idea that art of this region is fearsome, militant, or political in nature.

The Ancient Aegean

Choose three examples from the art of the ancient Aegean that either prove or disprove the statement about the nature of the art from this region—that it is often viewed as harmonious, exuberant, and non-threatening. Capture each image and place it in the Word document provided for this assignment. Like with your selections for Mesopotamia, you need to provide the following information for each work of art: The title of the work, its date, its place of origin, a detailed description as to what you see being depicted in the work of art, 3–5 sentences as to the work’s historical value, and 4–7 sentences as to how this work of art proves or disproves the idea that art of this region is harmonious, exuberant, and non-threatening.

Download the Word document template and use it to complete this assignment. Save the template on your hard drive.

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